Friday, March 20, 2020

Film Adaptation Les Miserables by Victor Hugo Essay Essay Example

Film Adaptation Les Miserables by Victor Hugo Essay Essay Example Film Adaptation Les Miserables by Victor Hugo Essay Essay Film Adaptation Les Miserables by Victor Hugo Essay Essay Non-Consequentialist theories of morality are best expressed by the character Inspector Javert. His actions are lead by the theory that it is better to take a life where regulations are followed. It is your responsibility to obey the Torahs and it is your responsibility to ever move in this mode. Consequences are non to be considered when judging a individuals actions ( Thiroux. Krasemann. 2012. p. 46 ) . Inspector Javert’s place in society supports his actions. This adult male must follow the Torahs set by his authorities. and take his community by illustration. His responsibility was to transport out the jurisprudence which are illustrations of regulation absolutes which offer no room for exclusions ( Thiroux. Krasemann. 2012. p. 87 ) . The Inspector becomes obsessed with the gaining control of Jean ValJean. a felon who must be caught and brought to justness. The movie begins with the narrative of a adult male. Jean ValJean. who is foremost introduced to the spectator in a p rison scene. where subsequently you find out he was imprisoned for larceny. : After functioning nine-teen old ages of penalty in prison for his offense he is so rewarded release on word. Following his release he encounters another state of affairs where he acts in contrast to those beliefs of a regulation useful like Javert. These contrasting characters are illustrations within their guiding rules. Non-Consequentialist Theories are based on the thought that effects are non and in fact should non be a factor in finding whether the act is moral or immoral ( Thiroux. Krasemann. 2012. p. 46 ) . Where as consequentialism is based or concerned with effects. Jean ValJean’s guiding rules are more of an act useful who believes that everyone should execute that act which will convey out the greatest good over bad for everyone affected by the act ( Thiroux. Krasemann. 2012. p. 37 ) . Utilitarianism is a signifier of Consequentialism. Javert is a regulation useful where his thoughts are that everyone should ever follow the regulation or regulations that will convey greater good. These thoughts are contrasting because it is diffident what actions would convey greater good with or without doing exclusions to the regulations at manus. Javert being an functionary of the jurisprudence encourages the importance of jurisprudence within the movie to avoid fring control within his community. On one manus ValJean broke the jurisprudence merely to avoid the decease of famishment. These state of affairss are the footing of the conflicting attacks to morality by each chief character in the movie. ValJean encounters the Character of Bishop Myriel who offers him a occupation and teats him kindly despite his condemnable background. The Bishop is a positive influence on ValJean. While working for the Bishop. he makes a promise to go a better adult male and deliver himself merely after being caught one time once more for stealing silverware from the bishop. The Bishop lies to officers merely to salvage ValJean from returning to prison. With the Ag that was stolen and now a gift was he merely able to carry through his promise for a better life. ValJeans committedness led him to subsequently became the proprietor of a mill and the Mayor of his metropolis. There we are foremost introduced to the character of Fantine. We discover that she has a kid. Cossette. who is in attention with another household The Thenardiers. Fantine works difficult to supply for Cossette at the mill where she is subsequently fired from. which led to her despairing demand to do money. Desperate times cause for despairing steps. . like Fantine prostituting to as a mean to do money. Fantine’s improper actions lead her to meet the Inspector Javert. Here is where the feuding theories of morality between Javert and ValJean are one time brought to inquiry one time once more. Should Fantines actions be justified by the thought that harlotry is incorrect and improper. or is it O.K. because she must supply for Cossette and her demands? In the terminal the Mayors place allows Fantine to avoid prison clip therefore conveying about illustriousness for her household. His useful attack to the state of affairs causes more struggle with the Inspector who believes she should be inprisoned for interrupting the jurisprudence. More grounds with the personal moral theories conflicting are apparent when Jean ValJean promises Fantine that he will take attention of her girl Cossette. He foremost must get away from Mr. Jovert who is now cognizant that he is a inmate. Javert expressed the thought that a jurisprudence ledgeman can non reform hence ValJean should non be Mayor. Javert commented on his parents besides being felons when he was a kid. Once open ValJean escapes one time once more with Cossette to Paris. where they live in a convent. He feels it is his responsibility to transport out his promise of a better life. Reparation ( leading facie ) is a responsibility mentioned when looking at non-consequential theories ( Thiroux. Krasemann. 2012. p. 54 ) . Cossette and ValJean are able to accomplish a fulfilled life with security in the metropolis of Paris while at the convent. Cossette finally asks to non go a nun and persuades ValJean to populate outside the convent. Willing to delight Cossette. ValJean agr ees to the move. Cossette attracts an supporter while researching her new milieus in the character Marius. Marius is a immature revolutionist who asks to â€Å"Restore the Republic† . He becomes haunted and determined to interact with Cossette. really much like he is committed to his revolution. Inspector Javert besides resides in Paris where he is the newest Deputy as the wages from exposing the truth about Jean ValJean. The â€Å"cat and mouse game† between Jean ValJean and the Inspector Javert is continued in Paris when he is informed with information about the revolutionaries new love interested Cossette. Marius was followed by one of ValJeans informant following the revolutionaries. Javert is one time once more on the hot chase to convey ValJean to an terminal. He is determined to convey justness because it is the right thing for him to make. ValJean unaware of Cossettes relationship with her immature suer opens an chance for the Inspector to acquire near and eventually discontinue the former inmate. ValJean now a â€Å"reformed man† refuses to give up without a battle. In the effort to fly one time once more ValJean is encountered with the quandary of Marius and Cossette’s relationship. Her relationship is troubled by the increasing opposition from the revolutionaries against the Parisian ground forces. With the metropolis barricaded ValJean must return Marius safely to Cossette. In chase for Marius the ground forces injures Cossette’s love and now ValJean must fly the pandemonium of the metropolis with the injured Marius. Not earlier one time once more meeting the persistant Javert. This is a bend of events that gives ValJean to turn on his marauder and kill him. This doesn’t go on because ValJean is said to hold been merciful towards the Inspector. In the terminal of this narrative the Inspector is surprised by the clemency ValJean showed towards him. The Inspector allowed the inmate to help the Marius to some medical attending and return to his captor. ValJean besides agreed to be turned into the Parisian functionaries after salvaging Marius. With Marius alive he would no longer hold to worry about his Cossettte. Therefore carry throughing his commi ttedness to Fantine. Upon returning Mr. Javert expressed how his guiding rules to execute his responsibility the right manner brought him confusion when ValJean showed him mercy in the state of affairs of life and decease. Death was the lone solution the Inspector had in shop to this for this stoping. Everything ValJean did was justified when the Inspector decided to kill himself. The Inspector neer interrupting the jurisprudence himself saw that there were defects to his steering rules and could non populate with himself no more. Unwilling to confront the effects he saw tantrum to stop his life therefore allowing ValJean his freedom. He felt his compulsion for the gaining control of the ValJean would see no terminal and hangout him everlastingly. At this point he acknowledges the fact that ValJean is a Reformed adult male and non an â€Å"animal† idea to hold been created while in the prison system. Before ValJean was a â€Å"difficult problem† to the Inspector himself and he needed bring justness to those Acts of the Apostless of the former Mayor. Everyday we are faced with the same if non different state of affairss where we are asked to make the â€Å"right thing† . This is really hard even to those who appeal to be morally or ethically right. Rules can be to general and merely act as a usher to make the greatest of good while avoiding effects. It is besides hard in the sense that there acts or regulations offer no exclusions. The narrative of Les Miserables proves otherwise. ValJean overcame many troubles and while his actions may hold been improper they did impact those around him positively. His actions in the terminal brought him security and loving relationship with his â€Å"daughter† . Cossette. all while finally maintaining his promis to the Bishop Myriel and the late Fantine. His actions throughout the movie prove that he is so a good adult male despite his condemnable background. ValJean accomplishes reformation which seemed impossible to the features of the Inspector. Ciminals should be brought to jusitice. Torahs are meant to be followed. under no fortunes can the jurisprudence be flawed. and no exclusions are to be made. These steering rules for the Inspector shaped his actions throughout this narrative. ValJeans actions show that his is a honest. lovingness. and loving adult male who is rewarded with freedom. He no longer has the fright of being caught by the Inspector and besides rewarded with love from his â€Å"daughter† . Cossette. In the movie ValJean states that â€Å"Love is the lone hereafter God gives us† . The steering theories to 1s ethical and moral quandary can be conflicting with those of others. Here we have actions based on the thought of recognizing the effects for your actions foremost or non believing about any effects and moving on what you feel to be right. Rules should ever be followed with no exclusions. The belief that one should non be judged or defined by any action in peculiarly. Rules are of import to a society conveying consciousness to effects by 1s actions. It is of import to non give up on ourselves because we are all capable of reformation if we want it.

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