Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Children s Gender Identity Development The Dynamic...

Brinkman, B. G., K. L. Rabenstein, L. A. Rosen, and T. S. Zimmerman. â€Å"Children s Gender Identity Development: The Dynamic Negotiation Process Between Conformity and Authenticity.† Youth Society (2012): 835-52. Print. This article describes the experiment performed by aspiring scientists along with the results of the experiment. In their experiment, the aspiring scientists questioned children of varying ages on how they felt about the sex they were assigned at birth, and the stereotypes that come with it. By asking such questions, the aspiring scientists discovered that children play a large role in their gender identity, which opposed the general belief that our genders pick us, not us picking our gender. This article will immensely add to my paragraph on childhood gender roles. Children s Gender Identity Development: The Dynamic Negotiation Process Between Conformity and Authenticity† provides evidence that child are indeed aware of the stereotypes that come w ith gender, and allow that knowledge to effect their everyday lives. Lee, Elizabeth A. Ewing, and Wendy Troop-Gordon. â€Å"Peer Processes and Gender Role Development: Changes in Gender Atypicality Related to Negative Peer Treatment and Children’s Friendships.† Sex Roles (2010): 90-102. Print. This article informs the reader of the how childhood gender roles influence relationships and play time in kids. The authors explain how children pick up on the subtle cues from adults and peers on what is considerShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. 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