Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Narssist

Narcissist personality disorder or npd can be found in everyone. It protect the ego from severe damage inflicted by others. NPD occurs when narcissistic traits become exaggerated in an individual’s personality. Psychiatrist believe that unmet basic childhood needs is the cause of npd. One theory suggest that during the first eighteen months of life the infant experiences being the center of his mothers world and a oneness with the mother developes. This make the child feel powerful and omnipotent. If a mother is non-responsive and insensitive to the child’s needs during the first eighteen months of life npd will develop. Other theories suggest that during the first seven years of life the amount of abuse or trauma, not necessarily caused by their parents can cause npd. Although there are several charateristics of npd a pattern of grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, entitlement, and lack of empathy are the chief components of diagnosing npd. A narcissistic person is grandiose in their sense of self importance and exaggerates their achievements and talents. He expects to be recognized as superior without achieving any great accomplishments. He requires excessive admiration and constantly seeks it. Narcissistic person has a sense of entitlement and expect others to automatically comply with his wishes. He lacks empathy and does not identify with the feelings or needse of others. Narcissists are constantly searching for a narcissistic supply. This supply is what nourishes the narcissist and they will take it from whatever source is at hand. They want someone inferior, gullible and most importantly not demanding. There are two sources of supply, primary and secondary. The primary source is derived from their profected notoriety and fame, the illusion of mystery they weave around theirself, sex which they perceive as demonstrating their virility, the projection of their wealth, their closeness to power ( mone... Free Essays on Narssist Free Essays on Narssist Narcissist personality disorder or npd can be found in everyone. It protect the ego from severe damage inflicted by others. NPD occurs when narcissistic traits become exaggerated in an individual’s personality. Psychiatrist believe that unmet basic childhood needs is the cause of npd. One theory suggest that during the first eighteen months of life the infant experiences being the center of his mothers world and a oneness with the mother developes. This make the child feel powerful and omnipotent. If a mother is non-responsive and insensitive to the child’s needs during the first eighteen months of life npd will develop. Other theories suggest that during the first seven years of life the amount of abuse or trauma, not necessarily caused by their parents can cause npd. Although there are several charateristics of npd a pattern of grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, entitlement, and lack of empathy are the chief components of diagnosing npd. A narcissistic person is grandiose in their sense of self importance and exaggerates their achievements and talents. He expects to be recognized as superior without achieving any great accomplishments. He requires excessive admiration and constantly seeks it. Narcissistic person has a sense of entitlement and expect others to automatically comply with his wishes. He lacks empathy and does not identify with the feelings or needse of others. Narcissists are constantly searching for a narcissistic supply. This supply is what nourishes the narcissist and they will take it from whatever source is at hand. They want someone inferior, gullible and most importantly not demanding. There are two sources of supply, primary and secondary. The primary source is derived from their profected notoriety and fame, the illusion of mystery they weave around theirself, sex which they perceive as demonstrating their virility, the projection of their wealth, their closeness to power ( mone...

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