Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Retailing and Large Online Retailers - 751 Words

Problem set 3 Crystal Yu 1. Do problem 4.8 and 4.9 page 149 (2 points) You need to show your work to get credit. 4.8 Does it take more time to be removed from an email list than it used to take? A study of 100 large online retailers revealed the following: Need Three Or More Clicks to Be Removed Year Yes No Total 2009 39 61 100 2008 7 93 100 46 154 200 a. Give an example of a simple event Need less than 3 more clicks to be removed. b. Give an example of a joint event Need three or more clicks to be removed in 2008 (2 events : needs 3 or more clicks and happened in 2008) c. What is the complement of Needs three or more clicks to†¦show more content†¦There were 46 retailers surveyed in two years that need three or more clicks to be removed, 39 of them happened in 2009 -- So P = 39/46 = 84.78% b. Given that the year 2009 is involved, what is the probability that three or more clicks are needed to be removed from an email list? Of 100 retailers surveyed in 2009, 39 need there or more clicks to be removed --- So P = 39/100 = 39% c. Explain the difference in the results in (a) and (b). Results in (a) and (b) are different because the conditions are different. Condition of (a) means for those retailers that â€Å"needed three or more clicks to be removed† how many were surveyed in 2009. While condition of (b) means the opposite way, for those surveyed in 2009, how many retailers need 3 or more clicks. d. Are needing three or more clicks to be removed from an email list and the year independent? They are not independent. Refer to Equation 4.5 in textbook, p.154 shows that two events A and B are independent if and only if P(A│B) = P(A) Calculate the probabilities of the events : P(need three or more clicks to be removed) = 46/200 = 23% P(need three or more clicks to be removed given condition that occurred in 2009) = 39% Chapter 6 Individual work Using a Normal Distribution to find probabilities: You may use the tables in your text or PhStat – Probability Distributions – Normal. Regardless of which method you use, either draw a sketch andShow MoreRelatedTesco.Com as an Online Distribution Channel1451 Words   |  6 PagesPLC is an international grocery and general merchandise retailer based in Cheshunt, United Kingdom. Tesco is the worlds third biggest retailer after Wal-Mart and Carrefour (1), and the largest in the U.K. with a market share of over 30%, about twice the market share of its two closest competitors combined. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Course Project Part Free Essays

While the initial investment in materials and equipment is steep, the output of this system rapidly accelerates to full potential and sots very little to maintain on an annual basis. The versatility of this system allows for the simultaneous production of a variety of sought after vegetables at reasonable cost and can reproduced In nearly any area of the united States. Project Description This project Is designed to develop a reproducible and self-sustaining aquaplanes system based on $100,000 Initial investor Input. We will write a custom essay sample on Course Project Part or any similar topic only for you Order Now A functioning model will be created to prove the viability of a self contained and symbiotic relationship that combines hydroponics vegetable production with aquaculture production. Hydroponics is the arming of vegetables using only water and loose fill media instead of soil. Aquaculture is the farming of fish in a controlled and sustainable environment. Putting these two systems together provides a source of nutrient rich water for growing plants and a natural filtration system, rich with oxygen, for growing fish. The combined system will be operated and monitored over a five year period to determine the total cost of production for a variety of leafy green vegetables as well as the price per pound of fish created over the same time period. The greatest price actor of getting food to local markets Is the fuel cost from the production location, through one or more levels of storage and packaging and lastly the trip to each point of sale. The system we propose to build would remove the fuel and transportation costs of a variety of vegetables that could easily be grown local to the market in which they are ultimately sold. Each certified organic occupations production facility could support the growth of several varieties of vegetables on a year round basis. This would allow local markets and restaurants the opportunity to provide locally grown organic produce and fish at reduced prices. Creating a system that is both self- sustaining and profitable is the key in the development of a solution that can be marketed. After the initial startup of a location, minimal financial input must be maintained while keeping the operational costs as low as possible to create a viable business model. How to cite Course Project Part, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Comparing Lu Xun’s Novels and Philip P. Pans’s Out of Mao’s Shadow Essay Sample free essay sample

Last twelvemonth in October. authorities leaders from both Mainland China and Taiwan were keeping responses across the state to observe the centenary day of remembrance of the 1911 Revolution. a revolution that terminated 2. 000 old ages of imperial regulation in China. This revolution. nevertheless. besides uncovered the 100 old ages of autocratic regulation in China. In both the Republic of China ( 1912-1949 ) and the People’s Republic of China ( 1949- ) . though the official authoritiess boasted that they have successfully saved the state. turned it genuinely democratic. and bestowed existent felicity to the common mass. in fact elements of personal subjugation and dehumanisation are still well common in the society. The word pictures of such elements are abundant in the outstanding Chinese author Lu Xun’s short narratives finished about 1920. every bit good as in the modern-day U. S. journalist Philip P. Pans’s Out of Mao’s Shadow—a aggregation of coverages about modern China published in 2008. Both writers described how ordinary. low-income. largely uneducated work forces and adult females who had no particular connexions with influential figures were oppressed in these two really different clip periods. In Diary of a Madman ( 1918 ) . Lu Xun’s â€Å"madman† mentioned the acrimonious experiences of the ordinary people around him—â€Å"some have worn the cangue on the territory magistrate’s order. some have had their faces slapped by the aristocracy. some have had their married womans ravished by yamen clerks. some have had their pas and mas dunned to decease by creditors†1. In Dragonboat Festival ( 1922 ) . Lu Xun referred a street presentation of college modules aimed to acquire their delayed wages from the authorities. but â€Å"the merely touchable consequence of this presentation was that authorities military personnels beat the professors bloody on a boggy stretch of land in forepart of the New China Gate†2. Women were particularly vulnerable in such a societal circumstance. In Tomorrow ( 1919 ) . Lu Xun depicted how a hapless. immature. widowed female parent lost her merely boy overnight after holding used up all her nest eggs to bring around his disease but received no aid from either her neighbours or the authorities. And in New Year’s Sacrifice ( 1924 ) . Lu Xun represented how the kindhearted and hardworking Sister Xianglin. though devoted to populate a quiet and simple life as a retainer. was kidnapped by her first mother-in-law to acquire married a 2nd clip. and was so looked down upon by people around her because she lost her celibacy. and finally died imploring on the street on the stop deading New Year’s Eve. Lu Xun besides wrote some short narratives to reprobate the old instruction system. In Kong Yiji ( 1919 ) and in The White Light ( 1922 ) . he described how people who failed at the old civil service tests struggled in poorness because they knew nil but classics. and classics aren’t rather utile in the existent universe. For most of the oppressed. the agonies were every bit much mentally as physically. In Tomorrow. the female parent lost all her hope and felicity as her boy died. Sister Xianglin was humiliated and went about insane for experiencing guilty about holding married two work forces. Kong Yiji and the chief character in The White Light ( who failed the 2nd degree of the civil service exam 16 times ) were looked down upon by environing people and lived their whole life in a sense of failure. The cause of all these. as Lu Xun pointed out. was the Chinese traditions. By valuing rigorous societal hierarchy and patriarchal authorization. the traditional Confucian ideas ruling China justified gentries’ development of the mass and defended malesâ₠¬â„¢ subjugation of females ; together with the instruction system of civil service test. it besides promoted uniformity of ideas and hence suppressed individualism and creativeness. Over clip these subjugations led to a servile national character and a society where people spontaneously flattered those higher than themselves but unashamedly took advantages of those equal to or lower than them. This is a society where. to state in Lu Xun’s ain words. people â€Å"eat people†3. No 1 dared to swear another. and the society was filled with fright and suspicion—â€Å"They want to eat others and at the same clip they’re afraid that other people are traveling to eat them. †4 said the lunatic in his journal. And this state of affairs is ceaseless. for parents would go through these traditions to their kids. and these kids would so go through them to their posterities. Decades subsequently. in Philip P. Pan’s reportages about modern China. we can still see different signifiers of subjugation and dehumanisation against powerless ordinary Chinese people. In Searching for Lin Zhao’s Soul and Blood and Love. Pan told the tragic narrative of Lin Zhao. an vocal dissenter who lived in Mao Zedong epoch. An independent mind herself. Lin Zhao non merely saw the autocratic and oppressive nature of the Chinese Communist Party ( CCP ) in every bi t early as the 1950s. but besides was bold plenty to knock it. Because of those unfavorable judgments she was put into prison. tortured and in secret executed during the first old ages of the Cultural Revolution in the sixtiess. The beginning of Lin Zhao’s bad luck. clearly. was the ruthless and bossy opinion of the CCP. Pan’s chief focal point of the book Out of Mao’s Shadow. nevertheless. was on the post-Mao period. He represented the unsafe working conditions in China’s modern coalmines. the crackdowns on labour motions carried out by the local authoritiess. the forced evictions of occupants from their places to do room for urban development. the forced abortion and sterilisation across rural China to carry through the one-year ends of the one-child program†¦ and. of class. the celebrated narrative about the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. in which popular presentations naming for anti-corruption and political reform towards democracy were crashed by China’s ground forces ordered straight by the highest Chinese functionary at that clip. Deng Xiaoping himself. Not long after Mao’s decease. Deng Xiaoping seized power and instantly launched a series of economic alterations. Started in December 1978. the gradual liberalisation of China’s economic syste m has kept China’s GDP growing rate high for more that three decennaries and has dramatically lifted the populating criterion of the great bulk of the Chinese people. But has this economic liberalisation brought greater grades of freedom to most Chinese people? Pan’s steady reply was: no. In his book. Pan expressed his thought that China’s free-market economic system. combined with its autocratic political system. had really caused new signifiers of dehumanisation. â€Å"Market forces generate wealth and prosperity. but unrestrained by democratic establishments they besides produced inexorable on the job conditions. † Barred from organizing brotherhoods. forming work stoppages and vote in elections. workers had about no purchase against mills foremans and authorities functionaries. Without any restraints to protect human rights. the people in the opinion category could so do their determinations based entirely on cost-benefit computations. For illustration. though the Chinese authorities requires the proprietors of the mines to pay compensation for coal mineworkers died in work accidents. many proprietors calculated and found that such an official monetary value of lives of their coal mineworkers was a pittance compared to the net income they can do by forcing these mineworkers beyond weariness and the costs they could salvage by non puting in safety steps and equipments. As a consequence. the estimated figure of one-year deceases in China’s excavation accidents was 10. 000 to 40. 000. a figure high plenty to tumble a authorities in a democratic state. but barely made the intelligence in China. And several new signifiers of repression generated partially from the party’s ambitious ends in economic development. The one-child policy. originally introduced by Deng to avoid a future environmental catastrophe that might halter China’s economic growing. has now caused human right jobs such as forced abortion and sterilisation every bit good as large-scaled societal jobs. What’s more. in order to accomplish urbanisation in a faster velocity with less cost. the pattern of nonvoluntary land requisitions from the people occurred and became the â€Å"dirty small secret behind the glistening new office towers and flat edifices that transformed China’s large cities†6. Persons who rebel to these repressions are threatened by the constabulary or set into gaol. cases against the local authorities are dismissed. and street presentations are repressed. Ever since Deng opened up China’s economic system at the terminal of 1978. many perceivers in the W est predicted that the economic liberalisation would take to political liberalisation and. finally. democracy. Now. more than 30 old ages have passed. and we have seen no major alteration in China’s political system. The economic success. alternatively of conveying China democracy. has become the party’s great advantage to convert the mass of keeping the position quo. to purchase Alliess in the international dealingss. and to prevent demands for democratic alteration. Therefore. in both Mao epoch and post-Mao epoch. the autocratic nature of the authorities caused the elements of personal subjugation and dehumanisation. Comparing the signifiers of such subjugations in Lu Xun’s narratives and in Pan’s coverages. we can see much similarity. In both epochs. people at the bottom degree of the societal hierarchy such as Sister Xianglin and the coalminers lived acrimonious liver and were exploited by the rich and the functionaries. Yet there are besides some differences in the signifiers of subjugation in these two epochs. In Lu Xun’s clip. adult females were particularly oppressed and had lower societal position than work forces. In modern China. nevertheless. there is much more gender equality. but new signifiers of subjugation associated with Deng’s economic reform besides occurred. But the chief difference between these two writers is that they understood the subjugations in different ways. Lu Xun saw people’s agonies as a societal job ; the beginning of the subjugations is the Confucian Chinese tradition and the oppressor is any truster of this tradition. Pan. on the other manus. proverb people’s agonies as a political job ; the beginning of the subjugations is the autocratic cardinal authorities and the oppressors are the authorities leaders and the new rich. Therefore. Rebels in Lu Xun’s narratives were bizarre lunatics to their neighbours. but Rebels in Pan’s book are epic leaders against subjugation and warriors of justness to ordinary people around them. And for me. somehow. Pan’s book feels more blithe and bright compared to that of Lu Xun’s. Neither writer. nevertheless. showed any carefreeness about China’s hereafter. Pan showed how the CCP’s well-organized web purely controls people. With the pol ice officers to confine dissenters. the propaganda setup of censors to filtrate out dissidences. and the different tactics to forestall the disgruntled from forming together. the party punishes harshly anyone against it ; and utilizing its huge economic and political power. it besides rewards liberally anyone conspiring with it. Finally. its purpose is to do certain that there’s merely one political voice in China—that of the CCP’s. Corruptnesss and maltreatments of power derive of course from such a system and shortly go prevalent adequate that really few functionaries could maintain their custodies clean. To acquire rid of all these. Pan claims. the Chinese people need political alteration. And. as â€Å" there is nil automatic about political change†7. Pan’s ultimate thought is that a heartbreaking revolution is the lone manner to salvage China. Given CCP’s current power and influences. such a revolution. nevertheless. may non be in the foreseeable hereafter. Lu Xun. on the other manus. may hold less religion in political alteration. In his different narratives. he mentioned how the uneducated bulk of Chinese people neer understand the thoughts of the glorious Revolution of 1911. For case. in his Ah Q—The Real Story ( 1921 ) . the public beheading of the re volutionists. the heroes who sacrificed themselves to better the state. was nil but â€Å"a existent sight†8 for citizens in S Town. And in The Story of Hair ( 1920 ) . the people who do understood and were excited about the revolutions forgot about it shortly after the radical heat was cooled down. To salvage China. Lu Xun argues. is non merely to tumble the current authorities. It would necessitate to alter the feature of the state. i. e. to basically alter the manner by which the Chinese people think. Such a alteration is by no agencies easy every bit good. Peoples are unwilling to alter. and many have been so used to what they have been making that they can no longer alter. And even if some truly want to alter. the societal and cultural surrounding may halt them from making so. So where’s the hope of China? Of the Chinese people who take up about one fifth of the universe population? Pan replies: the heroes. Political alteration would happen merely because there are â€Å"imperfect persons who fight. take hazards. and forfeit for it†9. And the mainstream of his book. Out of Mao’s Shadow. is the narratives of such people: Lin Zhao. Zhao Ziyang ( Chinese president in 1989 who refused to direct ground forces to quash the protests ) . Chen Guangcheng ( a homo right attorney against forced abortion and sterilisation in rural China ) †¦ Lu Xun replies: the heroes and the kids. for â€Å"maybe there are some kids around who still haven’t eaten human flesh†10. Salvage the state. salvage the kids. *Note on beginnings 1. P31. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. translated by William A Lyell. 1990 University of Hawaii Press 2. P176-177. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. translated by William A Lyell. 1990 University of Hawaii Press 3. P32. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. translated by William A Lyell. 1990 University of Hawaii Press 4. P37. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. translated by William A Lyell. 1990 University of Hawaii Press 5. P118. Out of Mao’s Shadow: the Struggle for the Soul of a New China. Philip P. Pan. 2008 6. P164. Out of Mao’s Shadow: the Struggle for the Soul of a New China. Philip P. Pan. 2008 7. Pxvi. Out of Mao’s Shadow: the Struggle for the Soul of a New China. Philip P. Pan. 2008 8. P142. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. translated by William A Lyell. 1990 University of Hawaii Press 9. Pxvi. Out of Mao’s Shadow: the Struggle for the Soul of a New China. Philip P. Pan. 2008 10. P41. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories. translated by William A Lyell. 1990 University of Hawaii Press

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Poverty in the United States and India an Example of the Topic Economics Essays by

Poverty in the United States and India So many nations are subject to the growing problem of poverty in its areas. Most often, countries look up to other progressive and powerful nations, like the United States of America, because of its better, if not best, economic and social development. U.S. has been regarded as one of the most influential countries around the globe. It has proven its stature over time due to its impressive growth, supremacy, vast opportunities and technological advancement. On the other hand, there are many countries, which have been on the news at all times, due to disturbing realities. That is why, most often, people have lasting impressions regarding these countries and the deprivation they possess. One of those countries is the Hindu nation found in South Asia, India. It has been known to be a poor country, with thousands of people dying from hunger. Seemingly, compared to the United States, India is absolutely more of a suffering country. Need essay sample on "Poverty in the United States and India" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Nevertheless, the United States is not all that. There is absolutely more to it, or probably less, than one could ever imagine. Just like India, U.S. is also suffering from poverty. This is the situation wherein individuals or families have an annual income that is less than the poverty line set by the U.S. Government. In fact, the official poverty rate of U.S. in 2006 was 12.3%, down from 12.6% in 2005 (DeNavas, 2006, p.11). In more quantified terms, in 2006, there were 36.5 million Americans who were poor, not quite far from those experiencing poverty the previous year. However, this statistics is said to be understated because of the fact that poverty in the United States is cyclical in nature, meaning most poor people cycle in and out of poverty; they do not stay poor for long periods (cited in Zweig, 2004). As a result, far more than 12% of the US population falls below the poverty line at a particular point over a number of years. No matter, this still shows a larger percentage of Americans who are or who become poor at some point. Moreover, around 11% of Americans were deprived of food in 2002, and the prevalence of food insecurity with hunger rose from 3.3% in 2001to 3.5% in 2002 (Nord, 2002, p.6). There are many direct and indirect sources, which are attributable to the poverty experienced by Americans. These include unfavorable economic conditions, inadequate education and employment opportunities, natural calamities, inability to meet high costs of living, and crime. On the other hand, India has in fact experienced recent economic growths. However, it still suffers from extreme poverty. The Planning Commission has estimated that a substantial 27.5% of the population was living below the poverty line in 2004 to 2005 (Poverty, 2007, p.6). The National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (NCESU) states that 77% of Indians (or Hindus, as the are righteously called) or 836 million people lived on less than 20 rupees per day (this figure as having been previously reported as either 2 or 0.5 dollars per day. A major cause of poverty in India, especially among rural people, is the lack of access to productive assets and financial resources. India relies on agricultural lands in remote areas, which have meager returns. Therefore, people tend to flock to cities hoping to have a better life. As a result, there have been large shanties and slum areas leading to urban poverty in India. In fact, there had been 20 to 60 million deaths due to st arvation in Indian colonies. It is quite apparent the India is indeed suffering more in terms of poverty-stricken families weighed against the United States. This is mainly due to the fact that the latter is indeed a more progressive country than the Hindu nation. Its abundant resources are used more extensively, and that it has more capacity to induce fast solutions to its poverty rate. India, on the other hand, needs dramatic reforms to reverse its problem of widespread poverty. References DeNavas-Walt, C., Proctor, B.D., & Smith, J. (2006). Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States.U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Nandal, S. (2005, November). Extent and Causes of Gender and Poverty in India. Journal of International Womens Studies, 7 #2. Nord, M., Andrews, M., & Carlson, S. (2002). Household Food Security in the United States. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Assisatnce and Nutrition Report No. 35. Poverty Estimates for 2004 2005 (2007, March). Government of India, Press Information Bureau. Zweig, M. (2004). Whats Class Got To Do With It, American Society in the Twenty-first Century. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Why Who Said What

Why, Who Said What Did you hear that our writing instructor is a â€Å"Lesbian Communist†? This simple rumor probably came from a disgruntled student who misunderstood a simple statement. A lot of times nasty gossip is started simply from a misunderstood statement or a secret that is not so secret anymore. Secrets are supposed to be kept secret, yet they almost always seem to get out. When secrets get out, they usually become rumors. We entrust our friends with our most personal thoughts or stories, and most of the time they become rumors. In this essay I would like to talk about why we gossip, and why is it such a big part of our lives. For girls, (who obviously gossip the most) the main reason for gossip, is if being friends with those of high status is a way to gain status for yourself, how are you to prove to others that a popular girl is your friend? One way is to show that you know her secrets. But on the other side of the coin the reason a boy is less likely to scavenge for gossip and distribute his findings is that he has much less to gain by it. A boy’s main access to status is less a matter of whom they are close to than of their achievements and skill, primarily at sports, and their ability to prevail in a fight (even though older boys are mainly talk and younger boy’s are mainly infantile action). Our decisions about how to act in the presents of our friends are influenced by what we think others would say about us. Having decided; we hide, adjust, or display our behavior to prevent criticism and ensure being praised. A bad rumor about a female may get her ostracized by her friends for a month and a half, while if a male doesn’t like the treatment he is getting he is more liable to leave the group of friends. Males see personal conflict as: everybody hates to have anybody know that they have problems. The males always try to keep their problems to themselves. Girls and women, more often than boys and men, are wi... Free Essays on Why Who Said What Free Essays on Why Who Said What Why, Who Said What Did you hear that our writing instructor is a â€Å"Lesbian Communist†? This simple rumor probably came from a disgruntled student who misunderstood a simple statement. A lot of times nasty gossip is started simply from a misunderstood statement or a secret that is not so secret anymore. Secrets are supposed to be kept secret, yet they almost always seem to get out. When secrets get out, they usually become rumors. We entrust our friends with our most personal thoughts or stories, and most of the time they become rumors. In this essay I would like to talk about why we gossip, and why is it such a big part of our lives. For girls, (who obviously gossip the most) the main reason for gossip, is if being friends with those of high status is a way to gain status for yourself, how are you to prove to others that a popular girl is your friend? One way is to show that you know her secrets. But on the other side of the coin the reason a boy is less likely to scavenge for gossip and distribute his findings is that he has much less to gain by it. A boy’s main access to status is less a matter of whom they are close to than of their achievements and skill, primarily at sports, and their ability to prevail in a fight (even though older boys are mainly talk and younger boy’s are mainly infantile action). Our decisions about how to act in the presents of our friends are influenced by what we think others would say about us. Having decided; we hide, adjust, or display our behavior to prevent criticism and ensure being praised. A bad rumor about a female may get her ostracized by her friends for a month and a half, while if a male doesn’t like the treatment he is getting he is more liable to leave the group of friends. Males see personal conflict as: everybody hates to have anybody know that they have problems. The males always try to keep their problems to themselves. Girls and women, more often than boys and men, are wi...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Historical Profile of the Roman Republic

Historical Profile of the Roman Republic Rome was once just a little hilly city, but soon its capable fighters  and engineers took over the surrounding countryside, then the boot of Italy,  then the area around the Mediterranean Sea, and finally, even further, extending into Asia, Europe, and Africa. These Romans  lived in the Roman Republic   a  time period and a system of government.   The Meaning of Republic: The word republic comes from the Latin words for thing and of the people The res publica or respublica referred to the public property or the common weal, as the online Lewis and Short Latin dictionary defines it, but it could also mean the administration. Thus, the term republic as first employed as a description of Roman government had less baggage than it carries today. Do you see the connection between democracy and republic? The word democracy comes from Greek [demos the people; kratos strength/rule] and means rule of or by the people. The Rise of Democracy The Roman Republic Begins: The Romans, who were already fed up with their Etruscan kings, were spurred to action after a member of the royal family raped a patrician matron named Lucretia. The Roman people expelled their kings, driving them from Rome. Even the name of king (rex) had become hateful, a fact that becomes significant when the emperors took control as (but resisted the title of) king. Following the last of the kings, the Romans did what they were always good at copying what they saw around them and adapting it into a form that worked better. That form is what we call the Roman Republic, which endured for 5 centuries, beginning in the year 509 B.C., according to tradition. Tarquin, the Last King of RomeBrutus, Lucius Junius BrutusRape of LucretiaFamous Men of Rome The Government of the Roman Republic: 3 Branches of GovernmentHaving witnessed the problems of the monarchy on their own land, and aristocracy and democracy among the Greeks, when the Romans started the Republic, they opted for a mixed form of government, with 3 branches: consuls, senate, and an assembly of the people. Cursus HonorumAristocratic men were expected to follow a certain series of life events, from the military to the political. In the political sphere, you couldnt just decide you want to be consul and apply for the position. You had to be elected to other lesser offices first. Learn about of the magisterial offices and order in which they must be held. ComitiaAssemblies were an aspect of democratic government. There was an assembly of the centuries and an assembly of the tribes.ConsulsAt the top of the political ladder at least of the political offices were imperium (power), since there wee also censors who lacked imperium were the consuls (occasionally, dictators), two of which served for a period of a y ear. Consult this list of consuls for those pairs of men who held office during the period of the collapse of the Republic. Censors of the Roman RepublicCensors didnt rate movies in ancient Rome but did conduct the census. Here is a list of the censors of Rome during the Republican period. Periods of the Roman Republic: The Roman Republic followed the legendary period of kings, although history dosed heavily with legends continued into the period of the Roman Republic, with a more historical era only beginning after the Gauls sacked Rome [see the Battle of the Allia c. 387 B.C.]. The period of the Roman Republic may be further subdivided into: an early period, when Rome was expanding to the start of the Punic Wars (to c. 261 B.C.),a second period from the Punic Wars until the Gracchi and civil war (to 134) during which Rome came to dominate the Mediterranean, anda third period, from the Gracchi to the fall of the Republic (to 30 B.C.). Timeline for the End of the Roman Republic The Growth of the Roman Republic: Wars of the Roman RepublicRome emerged only gradually as the leader of Italy and then the Mediterranean. Starting in the legendary period under the kings, Rome had joined forces with Sabines (as in the rape of the Sabine women) and Etruscans (who ruled as kings of the Romans). During the Roman Republic, Rome formed treaties with neighboring villages and city-states to allow them to join forces either defensively or aggressively. Roman Treaties of the Roman RepublicDuring Romes early period of expansion, from the fall of the monarchy in 510 B.C. until the mid-third century, she gradually spread her dominion over the peninsula of Italy, making treaties with all the states she conquered. The Growth of RomeRome started gaining strength from about 510 B.C., when the Romans threw out their last king, until the middle of the 3rd century B.C. During this, the early Republican period, Rome made and broke strategic treaties with neighboring groups in order to help her conquer other city-state s. Expansion of Rome Beyond ItalyRome didnt initially set up to conquer the world, but it gradually did so, anyway. A side effect of its empire-building was the reduction of Republican Romes democratic policies. The End of the Roman Republic: Books on the Late Republic / Roman RevolutionSometimes it seems as though there is too much material on Rome around the time of Julius Caesar. Theres a reason for this many first-hand accounts a rarity in ancient history. The authors of the following books distil the Latin primary sources to present authoritative pictures of the Roman Republic when it was the dominant world power abroad but in revolt or chaos closer to home. Articles on the End of the Roman RepublicLook at the Gracchi brothers, the conflict between Sulla and Marius, external forces like Mithradates of Pontus and pirates, the social war, and other factors that strained the Roman republic and led to the formation of the first period of the Roman Empire, the Principate.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Executive Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Executive Summary - Essay Example For example in a laundering shop dry cleaning is excluded during laundering process, but included on a customer request while the remaining steps like hanging, pressing and packing would still exercised before giving back to the customer. It follows policies and procedures with specific amount of products to be completed. An assembly area utilizes a line flow of sequence and objects. Companies follow this strategy commonly for make-to-stock purpose. It requires huge amount of capital to be invested. Every worker in assembly is responsible to carry out same work repeatedly for a complete shift. To keep the logistical impact low the products are moved from station to station automatically. In this step a steps are fixed for the production of the products. It is structured in way that high volumes of products are produced within a complete standard. It also required high capital investment with very low flexibility. The workers are just for monitoring the equipment for quality checks and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce - Essay Example I hope to advance to a more responsible role within a larger organization. I would also be interested in working in a library or educational environment. Any information, advice and literature would be much appreciated. I am enclosing a large, stamped addressed envelope for this purpose and look forward to your response. Thank you for your time and attention. My strength lies in the ability to motivate people to be the best at what they do and to enjoy their work. My education and previous work experience support me in carrying out the leadership role to the highest standards. I am committed to excellence in all aspects and consider people to be any organization's greatest asset. I see this as a major factor in influencing the success of the business and improving outcomes for all concerned. This has been my strategy in all past employment, and as can be seen from my resume, it has worked well. I also believe that a sound product knowledge is a positive attribute for any store manager. Your company has a great reputation for quality goods, customer service, and staff development, and I would be glad to be a part of this, believing that I would be an asset to the business and make a positive contribution in all the areas demanded by the role. To obtain the job of assistant Store Man... Your company has a great reputation for quality goods, customer service, and staff development, and I would be glad to be a part of this, believing that I would be an asset to the business and make a positive contribution in all the areas demanded by the role. I look forward to your response and would be happy to discuss any issues by telephone or email, should you need to clarify anything. Thank you for your consideration of my application. Yours faithfully, SIGNAture TYPE NAME Name Address Telephone Email Objective To obtain the job of assistant Store Manager, Home Improvement, responsible for overall running of the department and development of associates in order to deliver quality customer service and contribute to the reputation and profit of the organization. Qualifications Team leadership in varied retail environments; involving and including staff training and development, improving customer service, accounting, ordering and replenishing of stock. Management role in Home Improvement department, with increased diverse product knowledge and management skills. Committed to promoting team work, achieving targets and setting standards of excellence in all areas, roles and tasks within the department. Well proven customer handling and interpersonal skills. Strong innovative approach to people and charismatic leadership style. Business and financial management strengths. Ability to think under pressure, to diffuse difficult situations and to develop and build positive behaviors. Professional Accomplishments Achievement of 20% rise in profits in six months and increasing positive customer feedback to 98% (from 75%) within one year. Introduction of staff participation and suggestion

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Miranda Lambert Essay Example for Free

Miranda Lambert Essay Although most will probably say someone close to them is inspiring, like their mother, grandmother, sister. In my opinion, they are your family, and you will always love and be inspired by them. Therefore I decided to write this on how a singer is inspiring to me. Her name is Miranda Lambert. Almost none of my friends have even heard of her. I guess because maybe she’s a country singer and they don’t really like country music? Who knows, but she is quite an amazing person. She grew up in a small town in Texas. â€Å"Not having money toughened me up a bit, but Ill always be grateful. Texas people are really strong in their roots. I started writing and playing guitar at 17. Ive always loved music, and my dad is a singer-songwriter. † Miranda once said. She was influenced personally by her father to take an interest in music. Her music is wonderful, and she has a beautiful voice. She writes almost all of her own songs, and they are full of meaning. For example a hit song of hers, ‘Gunpowder and Lead’, is about women and how they should not take any shit from any one, let alone a man who hits them. I’m even sitting here writing this, listening to her music. I mean not all of her songs have such a deep meaning, but they all are certainly songs you can just sit back, and rock out too. I’m in love with it, and such a huge fan. In my eyes, Miranda is unlike any star. She isn’t a skinny, overrated, prissy little bitch who is only popular for one song, or how pretty they are. Miranda isn’t even that main-stream, but still does what she loves. When she was a teen, she was on a show kind of like American Idol that got her career started. She went to Nashville, and came back to Texas almost immediately because she hated the â€Å"pop† sound of music, and wanted to stay original, and straight up country. She’s a country-rock girl, with meat on her bones, a strong head on her shoulders, and doesn’t take shit from anyone, and will speak up if she has too. I mean, I don’t know the woman personally, but she sure comes off as this way, and it rocks! Oh and who wouldn’t be inspired by her! She is only engaged in my opinon, to the best man in country music, Blake Shelton! Ha Ha. Well, anyways, I saw her in concert a few months ago, and it was outstanding. I was so close, and as crazy as it seems, I think she made eye contact with me at one point! I sound so cheesy, but she is a real role model for me. She is so successful in life, and just acts herself at all times. â€Å"There are a million blonde chicks who can sing. Ive always wanted to be different. This quote, straight from Miranda’s mouth, has inspired me a lot. I know I cannot sing what so ever, and I’m not blonde, but I want to be different, and for the most part I am. I am my own person, and I hope I can continue to be true to myself, and not let anyone tell me otherwise. I’m not here to please anyone, or do what they want, I’m here to please myself, and do what I like, and what makes me happy. And Miranda is a great example of this. This is why Country Singer, Miranda Lambert inspires me.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Loss of Dignity in Dulce et Decorum est and Refugee Blues :: essays research papers

Human dignity, every person in the world has at least some sense of human dignity, whether they choose to show it, however pitiful they think they are, every person has sense of dignity, of value. Losing one’s dignity can be painful, more painful than a physical blow. In Dulce et Decorum est, the writer, Wilfred Owen was a soldier fighting in World War One. He is writing about the horrors of being gassed by the enemy after fighting in the front lines, and ‘the old lie’: Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori, It is sweet and right to die for your country. Refugee Blues was written just before World War Two by W.H. Auden, who is writing about the Jews being exiled from Germany which ultimately ended up with them being hunted down even before the events of the Holocaust actually happened. In both poems, the poems are written in a first person perspective which gives the reader a sense of participation, especially in Refugee Blues, where at the end of each stanza the words ‘my dear’ is written. In Dulce et Decorum est, the initial lines of the poem states that the marching soldiers were, ‘Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,’ this takes the nobility out of war, and of course, giving the readers at that time period a sense of uncertainty to the title of the poem. The young soldiers are pictured to have lost their youth, health, and most importantly, their dignity. This is similar to how the Jews in Refugee Blues were like in the beginning of the poem, where they were homeless and exiled, like beggars, as in most societies beggars are not respected as they cannot support themselves without people giving them money. Therefore beggars must suffer losing their dignity in order to survive. Also, in Dulce et Decorum est, it shows that the soldiers were trying to get away from the front lines, ‘till on the haunting flares we turned our backs’. This is as if they were frightened of what lay behind them due to the word ‘haunting’, and in Refugee Blues this is displayed throughout the entire poem as the Jews were running away from Germany, but is really obvious in the second stanza. Running away from something you fear is also a form of loss of human dignity as it shows that you are frightened of the enemy and that they have power over you.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Intel Case Study

In this assignment we will analyses the pro and cons of the largest player in processor fabrication market Intel. This ill help us in understanding the reason behind their success and also predict on their sustainability in the market. Additionally this study will also help in identifying the other possible paths of expansion for Intel. (1 . 1) History of Intel In 1 968, Gordon Moore and Nonce decided to leave their job from Fairchild, one of the biggest companies specializing in Silicon Valley, to start up their own business aiming to provide the world with very vital technological components.Intel gained a major breakthrough with the help of a Japanese calculator manufacturer Bossism. A remarkable innovation in chip manufacturing was done by successful fabrication of the first microprocessor Intel 4004 chip in 1971. In Intel the engineers did not start from the first point, but directly work on developing the microprocessors by making it more complex and stronger. (GROMMETS, 2007) (1 . 2) Approach This objective in this assignment is to understand the strategy and factors behind their success and also predict on their sustainability in the market.Additionally this study will also help in identifying the other possible paths of expansion for Intel. We will try to focus on the objective of this assignment by understanding the policies and strategies adopted by Intel. The breakdown has been done by using major concepts such as Porters five forces, SOOT analysis PESTLE analysis and key success factors models. Study Intel's 3 environmental analysis and strategic decisions and finally predict Intel's performance and competitive gain in the future. Environment has a major influence on proper working of any business.It is very essential for a business to adjust to the environment to be prosperous. Hence, it is necessary to consider both internal and external environment. It is required to conduct a proper internal analysis to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of an organization. Additionally an external environment analysis should be done as it will help in identifying or developing a fixed set of opportunities that could benefit and also help us identify the threats that could be avoided. A proper external analysis can be done by dividing it into two factors namely, macro environment and industry analyses.A step by step environmental analysis is done for Intel further in the assignment (2. 1 ) Internal Environment Analysis Internal Environmental analysis supports the organization to identify its resources and its competencies, proficiencies and potentials to utilities them to the finest abilities. The foremost task Of internal analysis for this circumstance is to assess Intel's key successes factors over other key players like MAD, Qualm and ARM. By performing this exercise we can obtain a comparative advantage to the business. The detailed explanations of the top key factors are analyses in section (3) (2. ) Macro Environment Analysis Th ere are numerous impacts of macro-environment on Intel as they have ultimate operating and manufacturing locations. Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors creates a significant impact in a macro environment on the company's performance. Basically it is well- known as PESTLE Analysis and it is explained in detail in the section (4). (2. 3) Industry Analysis The purpose of carrying out this analysis is to evaluate the industry environment and understand the responsible factors affecting profitability in the industry. There are many forces that have major influences on business.One of famous and very common way of doing industrial analysis can be done by following the prominent porter's five forces model. 4 Porters five forces model has been applied for Intel and the detailed are provided in the section (6). (3) Key Success Factors The primary success driver for processor fabrication companies is to focus on offering the best technology at competiti ve prices. However, just one important factor is not sufficient to gain success. Intel ran into different complications particularly in its cost structures, in spite of that they managed to survive and grow in the marketplace.They applied different marketing and business strategy to survive in the competitive market. That helped them gain competitive advantage in the processor manufacturing industry. They have made multiple tie-ups with many other hardware manufacturers and this is their primary base of distribution and that has been very successful for them. Based on the present situation the top four key success factors of Intel are listed below. Intel has a top quality resources and very high preference on people in their organization. The surveys done on the Intel employees suggest that they encouraged people to show case their creativity big or small.They focus only on finding big brains irrespective of the background of the employees. Intel is capable of taking complete benefi ts from its workers and utilities them in a very efficient manner. Aggregated (no date, entire survey) (3. 2)Brand Value Intel has been in the number one spot for many decades in straight and none of the competitors have gained the spot in the recent past. They have a very good reputation and many clients and customers are very loyal to them. They have leading in this industry with a major trust factor. Intel started with the success Pentium series and these microprocessors were very successful.Every series came with different clock speeds for different needs of their users. They have great leadership team maintaining an amazing link with the Research and Development team. They also introduced Echelon Dual-Core microprocessor the first multi core processor in entry lever budget segment. (3. 4) Relationship with MOM Manufacturers Intel has one the best relationship with major multinational companies. Almost all leading brands like Apple, Dell, MOM, Leno, HP, Sass, Samsung, Toshiba, F ajitas and many more great brands rely on Intel microprocessors.Intel has been able to build great relationship by delivering the best quality of supplies and strategic distributions. (3. 5) Exceptional Handling and error management There is a famous old saying â€Å"mistakes and failures are the stepping stones to success†. In the same fashion Intel gives a reasonable leverage if employees make minor mistakes. This would encourage in developing breakthroughs in technologies. They have very huge global network functioning in a similar fashion across the globe. Aggregated (no date, entire survey) (4) PESTLE Analysis There many external factors that affects Intel, considering their presence in the entire globe.These environmental factors can be assessed using PESTLE analysis. The below PESETA analysis was performed bearing in mind the present operations and circumstances of Intel. The perfect way to carry out the PESTLE analysis is by conduct it for every country they are opera ting. However, in this brief analysis is performed at a global perspective. (4. 1) Political Intel is an international company and has to function according to different leslies set by government of all these countries Any political volatility can have direct impact on the economic growth.The rules of certain countries can obstruct investment agreements and might cause prided market share The variations in tax laws in every country will cause many issues and will be very important for major business decisions 6 Labor laws for all countries are very different from each other and this is a very complicated to manage in such situations (4. 2) Economic L] Inflation rates are one of the primary factors causing economic issues and it obstructs proper functionality Tax rates of few countries are very high and it reduces the profit margin.One of the primary reasons for Intel to set up their European headquarters in Ireland is to avoid huge corporate taxes Employee wages Of few countries are very high, few countries have minimum wages regulations Silicon extraction is an expensive process. There will be a major economic benefit if cheaper and new ways of extracting silicon are invented. (4. 3) Social The presence across the globe is a major sign of success, but it is not very easy to maintain and manage work force form customs, beliefs, social attitudes and business practices.The educational standards and levels are very different from country to county. (4. 4)Technology Technological factors provide abundant prospects but also threats. There is a necessity to consider them into account while form ululating strategies. Technological breakthroughs can impact on the products, suppliers, marketing, distribution and competitive edge. It may also open up new markets. On the other hand the change in technology in an industry can make existing products and services out-of-date or obsolete.Technological changes can create shortages in technical job skills and result in changin g the bob market in the country and expectations of customers and employees may not be met. These are of major significance to Intel and it one be the key point for their persistence. There is huge profit potential for Intel in wireless devices like mobile phones and other electronic gadgets. (4. 5) Environment With more and more problems due to global warming and increased energy consumption there is a lot of pressure on Intel to take them in consideration.Intel has the 7 social responsibility to become more environmentally friendly by designing devices with less wastage and minimum carbon did oxide emissions manufacturing plants. As per the CEO Brian Ukrainian, Intel are focusing and investing on innovating new products to resolve the energy crisis as much as possible. (4. 6)Legal There are many rules and regulations with respect to Patents, trade mark rights, product quality and price controls. In few countries laws have become very stringent as industries became more globalizes. Intel has been in media for bad reasons for not following these appropriately.There have been many long running disputes with rival company MAD. This has affected Intel's reputation and Intel had to paid hefty penalties. This will have a massive impact on boot reputation damage and economic down fall. (5) SOOT Analysis SOOT analysis is situational analysis to mainly identify internal strengths and weaknesses along with external opportunities and threats encountered by an organization. The below analysis for Intel will help in closely understanding their strategy. (5. 1 )Strengths Intel has strong brand loyalty from its consumers and is a globally recognized brand name.They are global technology company and the world's largest producer of semiconductor chi IP Intel has around 80% of the processor market share the next largest share is tit MAD it is roughly 17% of the market Tie-ups with major multinational hardware manufacturing corporations has created a great distribution chain In novative and top class employees have been making technological breakthroughs World class internal training system with the Intel University for the development of the employee skills Intel listed in top 10 companies, best employer and recognized for the best in sustainability 8 (5. )Weaknesses L] Selling prices are higher compared to competitors like MAD. The processors manufactured my MAD are less expensive and also have same clock speeds C]

Saturday, November 9, 2019

10 Reasons to Get a College Degree Essay

In the article â€Å"10 Reasons to Get a College Degree† by Kelci Lynn, she discusses tangible and intangible reasons on why getting a college degree is important. One tangible reason is that a person with a college degree will be able to make more money than a person without a college degree, and able to get a better job than a person without a college degree. Leaving the person with the college degree with a larger range of income. A second tangible reason is better job opportunities. It is easier to get a good job with a college degree compared to a person without a college degree. With a college degree in hand, it opens up more and/or better job opportunities. A third tangible reason to have a college degree is that is prepares you for situations in life that have yet to occur. A degree better prepares someone for changes that can occur in the world around them when thrown their way. They will know how to handle and overcome them once they happen. One intangible reason on why to get a college degree is that it makes someone feel better about them self knowing that they accomplished something. See more: Experiment on polytropic process Essay A second intangible reason is a college degree can help someone realize that they can do and accomplish bigger and better goals and/or dreams. The third Intangible reason is that while getting a college degree is gives a person an opportunity to meet and become friends with a lot of people that could become helpful to them in the future if needed. For example: A doctor, lawyer, or even a teacher. I am attending college to get a degree for a few reasons. One reason is because I want to set a good example for my younger siblings so they will go farther with their life and want to go to college when they get older. I want them to be able to look at me and think to themselves that they can also accomplish something with their life, and be able to have better opportunities instead of just settling with a GED. A second reason is because I want to become successful as a person and actually do something with my life by having a career instead of just a job. With a college degree I will be able to go farther in life than I would without a college degree. A Third reason why I am going to college is I want to have the chance to be able to have a better income, rather than making minimum wage for the rest of my life. With the job I have now I hardly have enough money to put gas in my car, but by getting a college degree I can have a career instead of just a job and have a better chance of making a higher income. One of the last reasons why am attending college to get a degree is because I want to open more doors in my life. I would like to have more opportunities with the choices I am going to have to make in the future, so I can have a greater chance of becoming successful at what I want to do.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Narssist

Narcissist personality disorder or npd can be found in everyone. It protect the ego from severe damage inflicted by others. NPD occurs when narcissistic traits become exaggerated in an individual’s personality. Psychiatrist believe that unmet basic childhood needs is the cause of npd. One theory suggest that during the first eighteen months of life the infant experiences being the center of his mothers world and a oneness with the mother developes. This make the child feel powerful and omnipotent. If a mother is non-responsive and insensitive to the child’s needs during the first eighteen months of life npd will develop. Other theories suggest that during the first seven years of life the amount of abuse or trauma, not necessarily caused by their parents can cause npd. Although there are several charateristics of npd a pattern of grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, entitlement, and lack of empathy are the chief components of diagnosing npd. A narcissistic person is grandiose in their sense of self importance and exaggerates their achievements and talents. He expects to be recognized as superior without achieving any great accomplishments. He requires excessive admiration and constantly seeks it. Narcissistic person has a sense of entitlement and expect others to automatically comply with his wishes. He lacks empathy and does not identify with the feelings or needse of others. Narcissists are constantly searching for a narcissistic supply. This supply is what nourishes the narcissist and they will take it from whatever source is at hand. They want someone inferior, gullible and most importantly not demanding. There are two sources of supply, primary and secondary. The primary source is derived from their profected notoriety and fame, the illusion of mystery they weave around theirself, sex which they perceive as demonstrating their virility, the projection of their wealth, their closeness to power ( mone... Free Essays on Narssist Free Essays on Narssist Narcissist personality disorder or npd can be found in everyone. It protect the ego from severe damage inflicted by others. NPD occurs when narcissistic traits become exaggerated in an individual’s personality. Psychiatrist believe that unmet basic childhood needs is the cause of npd. One theory suggest that during the first eighteen months of life the infant experiences being the center of his mothers world and a oneness with the mother developes. This make the child feel powerful and omnipotent. If a mother is non-responsive and insensitive to the child’s needs during the first eighteen months of life npd will develop. Other theories suggest that during the first seven years of life the amount of abuse or trauma, not necessarily caused by their parents can cause npd. Although there are several charateristics of npd a pattern of grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, entitlement, and lack of empathy are the chief components of diagnosing npd. A narcissistic person is grandiose in their sense of self importance and exaggerates their achievements and talents. He expects to be recognized as superior without achieving any great accomplishments. He requires excessive admiration and constantly seeks it. Narcissistic person has a sense of entitlement and expect others to automatically comply with his wishes. He lacks empathy and does not identify with the feelings or needse of others. Narcissists are constantly searching for a narcissistic supply. This supply is what nourishes the narcissist and they will take it from whatever source is at hand. They want someone inferior, gullible and most importantly not demanding. There are two sources of supply, primary and secondary. The primary source is derived from their profected notoriety and fame, the illusion of mystery they weave around theirself, sex which they perceive as demonstrating their virility, the projection of their wealth, their closeness to power ( mone...

Monday, November 4, 2019

How Slavery started in the United States Research Paper

How Slavery started in the United States - Research Paper Example This is what the Romans did and the Greeks before them, it was the Europeans’ turn for imperialistic conquest. The New World conquest yielded new lands, riches and slave labor which set-off an imperialistic hunger that spread to Africa. It was closer, larger and the natives from that continent were preferred as slaves over the natives of the Americas. Initially, when the Spanish controlled the Caribbean islands, their interests were only in the mining of silver and gold. When the riches of the mines had been exhausted, the search for additional wealth moved inland and the Spaniards adopted a plantation based economy (Meyer, 2003). Products from the Americas such as tobacco, cotton, cocoa and sugar were becoming increasingly popular in Europe which caused the Caribbean plantations growing these commodities to grow accordingly. The shortage of man-power to operate these ever-growing plantations required many numbers of slaves from Africa to be imported. As the Spaniards were rea ping the rewards from its colonization of the Americas, their need for additional labor in the mines and plantations continued to grow. However, the local population was dwindling with the influx of disease and abuse and this, combined with Spain abolishing the enslavement of natives in the Americas in the mid 1500’s, necessitated a need to acquire Africans to fill their labor requirements (Meyer, 2003). By the early 19th century, the New World wealth had been well plundered and it was widely feared that the slaves emanating from there could spread new diseases in Europe or contract European diseases and die themselves. Africa was an attractive target to quench the Europeans’ new thirst to create far-away empires and control territories that held the raw materials needed to maintain and grow their prosperous economies which were built upon imperialistic tactics. New territories also meant the opportunity to trade with new markets. By the mid 19th century, the conquest for Africa was well underway. Gaining and controlling new territories outside the original country was justified by many explanations. A certain amount of national pride fueled the desire for an expansionist agenda. Obtaining new colonies was widely viewed as a gauge of a nation’s global prominence. Another justification was based on the prevalent racist attitude. â€Å"Europeans thought that they were better than Africans† (McDougal-Littell, 1999). Church officials and missionaries encouraged imperialism because the natives of conquered territories could be more easily coerced to convert to Christianity. In the initial phase of slavery in the New World (1519-1580), colonies were being formed and the trade of slaves was somewhat limited. From 1580 to 1650, slave trade from Africa soared because of the massive Native American deaths due to disease, the growth of the economy in the colonies and the unification of the Portuguese and Spanish governments (Palmer, 1976). The early era of colonization in the New World was a time of enormous changes as â€Å"the native Indian populations were decimated by disease and increasingly dominated by the Spanish social and economic structure† (Meyer, 2003). Slavery declined steadily during the years 1650 to 1827. â€Å"From New England to Virginia to Jamaica, the English planters in seventeenth-century America developed the habit of murdering the soil for a few quick crops and then moving along. On the sugar plantations, unhappily, they also murdered the slaves†

Saturday, November 2, 2019

An investigation into the potential of implementing Cause Related Literature review

An investigation into the potential of implementing Cause Related Marketing in Barnados charity in the UK - Literature review Example In the social marketing, the management takes much consideration of the customers’ needs with much concern on the needs of the wider society. Cause Related Marketing is a significant ingredient of this marketing mix (Stein, 2009; pg. 56) Cause-Related Marketing is describe as a commercial activity through which businesses and charities form a partnership for the purpose of marketing a product, an image or a service for a shared benefit. It is a tool that addresses the current social issues by providing resources and funding. Additionally, this tool addresses important business objectives. The Cause Related Marketing began getting its full attention recently. It was not until the CRM was much steamed to the marketers by the American Express, which had devised a promotion which promoted donations of a cent to restore the funds for the Statute of Liberty at every single time a customer made use of the American Express card (Lindsey, 2003; pg.67).   The campaign also included ot her elements like a one dollar donation to fund every new American Express account that had been approved. A true corporate partnership establishes openings for every party to develop joint business opportunities. In an investigation, a link with Barnardo’s, which is one of the UK’s best known charity brands, is found to do that (Petticrew & Roberts, 2005; pg. 87). It is a well know children’s charity organization. There would be numerous benefits on establishing cause-related marketing in Barnardo’s as this would become a simple and an effective way of increasing sales and customer loyalty. This can also promote a positive PR coverage and provide an increasing significant link for ethical customers to align themselves with the charitable cause. Involvement with this charity would create opportunities for a great PR and marketing. The Barnardo’s charity can assist in the promotion for the partnership through their network of close to ten media and communication managers situated in London regional offices and headquarters. This is a prominent national charity that has excellent links to local and national radio and television stations, as well as, with national and regional media. Cause Related Marketing is found to influence customer perceptions and their buying habits. This makes it a vital weapon in the marketing strategy which enhances corporate reputation and increases loyalty. It can build sales and benefit the society thus, becoming an intrinsic tool of the marketing strategy. The Cause Related Marketing has its strength over the traditional forms of marketing as it can provide the emotional and the racial engagement of the consumers (Neyland, 2008; pg. 78). It also incorporates the customer’s heart and their mind thus, giving it the potential to build an enduring and stronger relationship. So many companies in the UK have recognized the potential in the holistic management and corporation of the relationship of all stakeholders that will support the development of successful companies. Cause Related Marketing provides a high profile and an effective way for brand owners to strengthen their relationships, not only with the customers but with all stakeholders including the employees, suppliers, distributers, shareholders, opinion formers as well as a broad relationship with the wider community. Due to the interdependence between the wider communi

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Function of Central Banks as Lender of Last Resort (LOLR) Essay

Function of Central Banks as Lender of Last Resort (LOLR) - Essay Example The crisis saw the fall of stock markets across the world and the collapse of massive financial institutions from some of the richest nations (Dorn 2010). In a bid to salvage the situation, governments, through their central banks as LOLR, came up with rescue packages with an aim of bailing out the countries’ financial systems (Brunnermeier 2009). The crisis resulted from the US sub-prime mortgage market collapse as well as the negation of the real estate boom according to (Brunnermeier 2009). Many experts blame the current economic models for the crisis that affected lives across the globe. Advantages of LOLR During a financial crisis that hit the financial sectors, it is pointed out that many banks tend to become insolvent and sometimes collapse. In order for such a situation not to come into play, the central banks always come in an act as lender of last resort. In this case, it provides funding to increase the liquidity position of these banks. This has helped many banks e scape receivership during a financial crisis (Schinasi, Teixeira and IMF. Finance Dep. 2006 p.11). Grauwe (2011) notes that when a bank is faced with solvency problems, this in most cases can trigger deposit holders of other banks to move out their money/deposits commonly referred to as bank run. It also causes banks to start selling off their assets lowering their prices. When this continues for long, the bank may end up owing more than it can own. To solve the problem, the central bank had to play the role of lender of last resort (LOLR). Being lender of last resort was important in restoring the cascading loss of confidence among the depositors. This is so because when investors know that they are in a position to get their money in the event of a crisis, they do not panic (Posen 2005 p.120). Central banks function as a lender of last resort is important as it acts as buyer of last resort for a country’s bonds. The loss in confidence, in this case, may lead to a liquidity problem in the other markets since there is no buyer of last resort. When this is allowed to continue for long, fears may continue until the liquidity crisis degenerates creating solvency problems. With regard to bonds, fear creates loss of confidence which increases governments interest rates which they are required to pay in order to rollover bonds (Grauwe 2011). The high interest rates may make the country insolvent and the central bank comes in as lender of last resort (Grauwe 2011). When a financial crisis hits the financial sectors of the economy, many agents tend to hold cash for safety reasons. When the central bank comes in and acts as a lender of last resort and provides funding, it stops the deflationary process leading to stabilization of economy (Capie and Wood 2007 p.424-429). Disadvantages and Controversial Function of LOLR One of the main arguments against central bank’s function of being the lender of last resort is that it may lead to inflation (Grauwe 2011) . When the central bank buys out government bonds, it is argued that this increases the money market thereby triggering inflation. The main distinction is seen between the money stock and money base. In situations where the central bank purchases government bonds and other assets, this increases the money base. However, the money stock remains stable. For this reason, it is seen that during periods of financial meltdown, the monetary supply and monetary base become

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Should the Zoos Be Shut Down Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should the Zoos Be Shut Down - Essay Example Using animals for entertainment is just despicable and utterly cruel.   It teaches us nothing except to be tolerant of cruelty and hardship as we get used to sufferings of the animals in the zoo just to get us entertained or educated.   Moreso, when the kind of entertainment we get is twisted because it is at the expense of animal lives and well-being.   Nor are we educated about animals because we are not seeing the animals in zoos in their true nature.   All animals in the zoo relatively behave the same because of the small space and they are caged in. Zoos are harmful to animal lives.   It has already been proven that animals live longer in the wild than in the zoo.   It is because the wild is the natural habitat of the animals where their instinct to survive, adapt and feed on their own is honed.   In the wilds, they can run, a hunt which is good for them because their ability to hunt and survive is present not to mention that they can exercise there (all living animals needs to exercise!).   When one cages them, animals lose their instinct to hunt and survive and becomes dependent on the zookeeper making their lives miserable, depressed making them look like pathetic animals rather than a strong and wild.   Animals in the zoo live a miserable life because it is not their natural habitat and many of them even some of them display neurotic behavior because of their confinement.   If you wonder why some animals kept on walking in circles on ages and keep on shaking their heads, it is because the animal is suffering from neurosis which is wrought by the despicable environment of the zoo.   As a result, the lifespan of animals in the zoo are shortened.   Elephants for example, which are known to be survivors in the wild only live less than half of its natural years.   Where it usually lives for 56-60 years in the wild, elephants can only live for an average of 17 years!   Thus, the arguments used by zoo owners and keepers that zoos conserve animals are false.   Keeping animals in zoos are not conserving them but in fact, killing them.   Imagine the lion that we see on TV with all its might running and hunting its prey, that suddenly when it was caged, it became lethargic and me ek slowly dying like a poor cat dependent on the food is given by the zookeeper.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Blending Elements Modern And Traditional Fairy Tales English Literature Essay

Blending Elements Modern And Traditional Fairy Tales English Literature Essay Once upon a time, a young girls father took on a new wife after the death of her mother. Along with the stepmother came two daughters. The three of them together had a strong disgust for the young girl. They took away her beautiful clothes, replaced them with old dirty ones, and put her to work. She was repeatedly covered in cinder dust from cleaning the hearth; this led to the stepmother and stepsisters naming her Cinderella. Upon an invitation to a royal three-day feast, the stepmother made it clear that Cinderella was not clean or presentable enough to attend. Cinderella prayed at her dead mothers grave to be blessed with silver and gold. Before the royal feast, Cinderella prayed once more at her mothers grave. As she prayed, a bird bestowed Cinderella a dress of silver and gold and gold slippers. In her new attire, Cinderella preceded to the royal feast where the charming young prince was wooed by her beauty and grace for all three nights. However, each night before the prince ha d the chance to get her name, Cinderella would disappear. As Cinderella was running away on the last night of the feast, her slipper became stuck on a staircase and her slipper was left behind (Grimm 98-102). This may not be the introduction of Cinderella that you have encountered before and you may think that it is missing the fairy godmother and the infamous pumpkin carriage. It is actually an introduction from the real tale of Cinderella, written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the early 1800s. Most individuals have been acquainted with the Disney light and happy versions of Grimms Folk Tales. This has transformed readers expectations for a fairy tale. As you read the next part of the true tale of Cinderella, you will begin to see the changes made in the Disney versions. After he realizes that Cinderella has left her shoe, the prince proclaims he will have no other bride than the one whose foot fits in the slipper. The first stepsister tries the shoe on and it does not fit. Therefore, to make it fit she cuts off her big toe and goes away with the prince to be his bride. As the prince discovers the blood dripping from the shoe, he returns the stepsister and reopens his search for a bride. Next, the second stepsister tries on the shoe and the shoe does not fit. To make the shoe fit, she cuts off part of her heel and goes away with the prince. As he discovers the blood, he returns to searching for his bride. After requesting to see all of the daughters in stepsisters family and against the wishes of the stepmother, the prince insists that the dirty and not fit to be seen daughter also has a chance to try on the shoe. Happily, the shoe fits Cinderella and she rides away with the prince. At the time of the wedding between the prince and Cinderella, the st epsisters enter and leave the church only for their eyes to be plucked out by birds. One eye each was plucked out upon their entrance and their other eyes were plucked out as they left the wedding. The stepsisters were punished with blindness for the rest of their lives (Grimm 104-106). In this Grimms tale, the reader is left with stepsisters missing parts of their limbs and eventually missing their eyes. Disney broadcasts the stepsisters struggle to make the shoe fit in a more child-approved presentation. The transformation between Grimms tales and Disney stories are based on a viewing audience and more importantly a time period, and a difference between traditional and modern. In Neil Gaimans Coraline, he returns to a more grotesque and gothic appeal for his modern fairy tale and in doing so he blends elements that should be perceived as normal, those that align with modern fairy tales, and other elements that read as grim, unsettling, and in the same way align with Grimms tales. In Coraline, written in 2002, Neil Gaiman introduces Coraline as a young girl who is striving for more attention from her parents. Although it is not apparent, a reader envisions that Coraline is disappointed with her parents and she is possibly wishing for better parents. She is at home (in her flat) and her parents are always working. Also, in this house (two more flats) live a crazy old man, who believes that his mice have the ability to talk, and two old long-forgotten actresses. Bored, Coraline finds a door in the drawing room that when opened leads to a wall of red bricks during the day and at night to her other house. Once through the door, a corridor leads her to a house and parents that look just like hers. The carpet beneath her feet was the same carpet they had in her flat. The wallpaper was the same wallpaper they had. The picture hanging in the hall was the same that they had hanging in their hallway at home, (Gaiman 27). Convinced she was still in her home and that the corridor led her nowhere except back to where she started, Coraline began to pay close attention to those things that were different. Describing a picture that shows a boy staring at bubbles, Coraline defines something uncanny. But now the expression on his face was different-he was looking at the bubbles as if she was planning to do something very nasty indeed to them. And there was something peculiar about his eyes (Gaiman 27). Aside from the boys expression, the uncanny also rests in that the parents in this other house want her, in an unsettling way. They want to spend time with her, play games with her, give her whatever food she wants, and want her to stay with them forever. They want to completely indulge her. Coraline is alarmed by the new mothers strange behaviors, especially since they are so different from her real mothers. As the story progresses, Coraline learns that her parents are missing and this other mother is responsible for their absence. Coraline begins a game with the other mother to find her real parents and other lost souls she encounters along the way. If Coraline wins, she is to get her parents back. If the other mother wins, Coraline must stay with her forever. She resents thinking that this other set of parents were in any way similar to hers and Coraline enters a struggle to outwit the other mother and win her parents back. Comparing to a traditional fairy tale such as Cinderella, both Coraline and Cinderella are in distressed situation. Instead of having an evil stepmother and stepsisters, Coraline has parents that appear to ignore her. However, the fairy tale element prevails when Coraline and Cinderella are both presented with an opportunity to fix their situation. Cinderella is given new attire and Coraline is given a passageway to a new life. Typical of a fairy tale, the main character is exposed to a struggle and to have a happy ending must overcome the situation. To start off with a struggle, both Cinderella and Coraline are assigned seemingly bad parental influence in their lives. Cinderella has a dead mother, an absent father, and a wicked stepmother. Coraline has both a mother and father but they read as very absent in regards to that they ignore her and pay very little attention to her needs and wants. To overcome the struggle in this other life, Coraline finds a creature that is somewhat willing to lend a hand. She finds a black cat, who insists that he does not have a name nor does he need one, and he attempts to help Coraline win the game against her other mother. His most courageous efforts are displayed when he distracts and attacks the other mother as Coraline runs through the corridor to escape back to her real house. The black cat in Coraline is symbolic of the help that Cinderella receives in order to meet the prince. Without her fairy godmother in the Disney version or the prayers and birds in Grimms version, Cinderella would ha ve never made it to the royal feast and or eventually ended up with prince. Gaiman details several elements of modern fairy tales in Coraline. The first element that comes to mind is the child aspect found in several other Grimms tales. Coraline is presented as a young girl slowly gaining her intelligence and independence. By reading her dialogue and actions, she appears to be very bright and witty for her age. At the end of the story, this aspect gives more credit to the main character for surviving their given struggle. In Cinderella, the main character is presented as a young girl, however, she seems powerless in her decision not to stand up or rebel against her stepmother and stepsisters. Through her actions, Coraline appears to be very brave for her age. Also in need of mention, Cinderella appears to be brave when she decides to attend the royal feast against her stepmothers wishes. This entails the aspect of courageous efforts of young children in fairy tales. The second element includes the aspect of characters being put to a test. Coraline is setup with a game against her other mother and she must outwit her in order to see her parents again. Looking at the Disney version of Cinderella, Cinderella must make it back before midnight and if she does not her carriage will turn into a pumpkin and the prince will discover her real identity. The third element is the result of characters living happily ever after. Not to ruin the ending if you have not read Coraline, but Coraline eventually gets to sleep in her real bed in her real house with real parents. The most important aspect of this element is that the main character, the protagonist, is given the happy ending and that antagonist character is in some way punished or left unhappy. In Coraline, the other mother is left Coraline-less and loses the game. In the Disney version of Cinderella, the stepmother is left without a connection to royalty and the stepsisters are left prince-less. While Gaiman includes elements of modern fairy tales, he also includes several elements of Grimms tales. He explicitly includes these elements in Coraline. The first element, which is somewhat unsettling, is the association with pale or white skin. This wife brought two daughters into the house with her. They were white and fair of face but wicked and black at the heart (Grimm 98). This is Grimms first description of Cinderellas stepmother and stepsisters. This shows an arbitrary association with the idea of pureness and the color white. An outside appearance of pure does not imply pure at heart. A woman stood in the kitchen with her back to Coraline. She looked a little like Coralines mother. Onlyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Only her skin was white as paper (Gaiman 27). Here, Gaiman allows the first description of the other mother to be of her very white skin color. Evilness is presented with a white appearance in both Cinderella and Coraline. The second element is the aspect of blindness. As Coraline, enters the other house she walks into the kitchen and is presented with her other mother. And then she turned around. Her eyes were big black buttons (Gaiman 28). Coraline sees this other mother for the first time with no eyes. Through reading Coraline, a reader can perceive that the other mother can physically see but the black buttons are symbolic of blindness. On a china plate on the kitchen table was a spool of black cotton, and long silver needle, and beside them two large black buttons, (Gaiman 45). When Coraline is asked about her eyes being sewn over with buttons, she immediately refuses and does not the like the dark and intense glows from her other parents. In Cinderella, the stepsisters are punished for their evil actions toward Cinderella as they are leaving the wedding. Afterwards when they were coming out, the eldest on the left and the youngest on the right, the birds came and pecked out both their other yes: so for their wickedness and falsehood they were punished with blindness for the rest of their lives (Grimm 106). Neil Gaimans takes on Coraline with an additional element of individuality in a gothic approach. This is not a typical element of neither traditional nor modern fairy tales. The most grotesque element in Coraline is the idea of sewing ones eyes over with a black button. With this idea, Gaiman takes the element of blindness one-step further. When Coraline first sees her other mother, she believes she looks just like her real mother but is stunned by her black button eyes. When Coraline sees the black thread and black button on the table in her other house, she is very disturbed. Moreover, while she is locked up in a mirror cabinet, Coraline encounters three children who have lost their souls. It is too dark where she is locked up to see their eyes but a reader could assume their eyes have been replaced with black buttons as well. Here, Gaiman may have wanted to encourage readers to draw a parallel with eyes are the windows to the soul. Symbolically, by threading buttons for eyes, ones soul is taken away. This is a deeper parallel for a reader to notice. It is also something that is a little advanced for a fairy tale. The second element, one that is a little arbitrary, is the idea of removing ones limbs. Disney protects the minds of children by representing the stepsisters struggle to fit the shoe as a simple squeezing real hard to make it fit. Whereas in Grimms version, The girl cut off her toe, forced her foot into the shoe, stifled the pain, and went out again to the prince (Grimm 104). For the second stepsister trying on the shoe, The girl cut off her heel, forced into the shoe, stifled her pain, and went out to the prince (Grimm 105). Disney has placed a child-filter on the tale. When Coraline successfully closes the heavy door to the corridor, she is relieved that she has escaped from her other mother. However, she is woken up on her first night back at her real house by noises outside her room. These noises are so disturbing that they draw her from her bed. As she gets up and looks in the hallway, it becomes clear to her what was making the noises. It was the other mothers right hand (Gaima n 147). However, there is not much correlation between the removing of the limbs in Cinderella and Coraline, its more of the grotesque aspect of it appearing in a childrens story. A toe, a heel, and a hand all being removed from a persons body. Gaiman removed himself from the appropriate for the viewing of small children and resorted to Grimms nature of scaring children. Gaiman removed a typical Disney-filter. Neil Gaiman also uses additional describing elements to add to Coralines grim nature. In a 2010 Coraline classroom study guide entitled Identity and the Uncanny, author Peter Gutierrez described Gaimans work as a dark, intensely psychological, modern fairy tale. Coralines other mother eats beetles and wants her to play with rats, two activities that can easily be described as unsettling. In addition, Gaiman removes the Disney castle aspect. Coralines parents do not even own a whole house; they live in a flat of a house, particularly a creepy one. First, the gothic appearance of Coralines house should be notes, with its outside staircase, its cellar and attic, its dark corridors and, most strangely, the door in the drawing-room that seemingly leads nowhere: behind it there is a brick wall (Rudd 160). In most Disney fairy tales, the main character is perceived as beautiful, charming, and sometimes enchanting. Neil Gaiman strays away from these perceptions and portrays Coraline as a loner. School is not in session and none of her friends live around or near her. She enjoys tea with the old women that live above her flat and likes to explore by herself. She does not appear to be social and loved by everyone. Coralines loneliness is exhibited in her action of writing for her mother MST on the first line of a paper and on the second line writes I. The I has clearly been dropped or lowered from the word MIST. In an essay written for Childrens Literature in Education, author David Rudd comments on Gaimans portrayal of Coralines seclusion, Coraline is clearly the lonely I which, punning on the word above, is not missed (i.e. she is overlooked). But is she refusing to be contained by the mist or would she like to be part of it, having the mist descent and embrace, or envelop her? (160). G aiman does not describe Coraline as beautiful, intelligent, nice, or loving. She only appears to love her parents when they are taken away from her. Her character is simply read as lonely and somewhat annoying to her parents. This is not a typical main character for modern fairy tales. However, this is what classifies Coraline as an even more modern fairy tale because it reaches out to children that are lonely and that are not as blessed as some other children. Gaiman attempts small advances at creating a new genre of fairy tales. A recurrent theme in Neil Gaimans work, from Sandman to Stardust, is the way in which the magical, archetypal and mythological rub shoulders with our everyday reality. In fantasy stories there are often physical portals or membranes through which a protagonist must travel to reach an alternate world, (Gutierrez 5). Neil Gaiman has experience is morphing stories to have a grotesque appeal. For example, Neil Gaiman wrote a book titled The Graveyard Book, a modern spin on Rudyard Kiplings The Jungle Book. Instead of a young boy left in the jungle to be raised by animals, a young boy is left parentless and is raised by the inhabitants of a graveyard. Mrs. Owens, a ghost in the graveyard exclaims, Of course its a baby and the question is what is to be done with it? (Gaiman and McKean 4). Here, Gaiman just removes the aspect of a jungle and replaces it with a haunted graveyard. He has swapped talking animals for ghosts and other non-real beings. After Mrs. Owens agrees to look after the baby, another inhabitant of the graveyard responds with his opinion, I do. For good or for evil-and I firmly believe for good-Mrs. Owens and her husband have taken this child under their protection. It is going to take more than just a couple good-hearted souls to raise the child. It will take a graveyard (Gaiman and McKean 15). Aside from creating unique and grotesque fairy tales, Gaiman does not stray too far off the beaten path with the way the story ends. Coraline has a very happy ending, and she survives her struggle. David Rudd also writes Neil Gaimans Coraline fits centrally within this tradition, invoking the fairy tale at the outset with its epigraph from G.K. Chesterton: Fairly tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. In both Coraline and Cinderella, we get a happy ending regardless of any association of if the story is true or not. To explain the epigraph, these stories tell us that fairy tales are not intended for us to believe in fire-breathing dragons, fairy godmothers, or other realms but they are intended to teach readers that we can overcome anything if we try hard enough. Aside from the grim and unsettling, Gaiman includes this epigraph to suggest a moral to the story. Gaiman wrote Coraline to be grotesque and gothic, to have traditional and modern fairy tale elements, and to teach readers triumph. Gaiman could easily write his own epigraph: Look to Cinderella to teach you that wishes can come true and look to Coraline to teach you to be careful what you wish for.